Monday, February 20, 2012

The End is Near

Well...our trip is over on Wednesday. We will have a 21 hour bus ride from Jujuy to Buenos Aires, where we will stay with our favorite Englishman (Jack) and our favorite French brioche (Audrey) for one last night. On Friday, we fly home to the United States and arrive Saturday afternoon.

Currently we are in a little town called Tilcara in the Jujuy (northwest) province. We´re set in a beautiful gorge with a desert landscape. It´s also Carnaval - which means here. Different from the Carnaval in´s very folkloric and the festival is tied closely to indigenous culture. They make offerings to Pacha Mama (mother nature), play and dance to traditional music, and serve regional food. Everyone walks around drinking open containers of alcohol with an aerosol can full of foam, and you just walk up and down the streets and spray other people with the foam or throw flour on them (boys to girls and vice versa). On some of the main streets where there is loud, boisterous music, it´s all out war of foam and flour-and no one is safe. It has been quite the cultural experience and we´ve thoroughly enjoyed it and it´s been a great way to end our journey.
We don´t have any pictures to show because it will just take too long and we´re short on patience in these last few days.

We´re extremely excited to come home. Traveling is really hard on your body and it can wear on your mind. You´re constantly moving, meeting new people, navigating new locations, and thinking about what´s next. In total if we added all the hours up, we think we´ve spent an entire week just on buses. We´ve had the time of our lives on this 7 week trip but we miss our family, our friends, and a consistent, comfortable place to sleep at night.

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